August 27, 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 Waiver of Liability

Applicant is fully aware of the current global Coronavirus COVID-19 virus outbreak, the current travel restrictions, and inherent risks involved if choosing to travel and participate in Island Spirit’s trips. Applicant is aware that the majority of serious cases and deaths contributing to this virus are in people over 60 years old.
Applicant understands that it is his/her responsibility to check the latest travel information regarding this virus outbreak and that he/she should have travel insurance to ensure they have cover for all medical needs and trip cancellation, but understands that medical expenses/and or cancellation relating to the Coronavirus COVID-19 may not be covered.
Travel insurance generally only covers unforeseen events. Most insurers classified COVID-19 as a ‘known event’ late January 2020. This means that if you booked before that, you may still be covered; if you booked after 31 January, it’s unlikely you’ll be covered for anything relating to COVID-19. Please note that most policies have a specific clause stating they do not cover epidemics and pandemics, especially when travel warnings are in place. Check with your insurance company.
Applicant confirms that they have adequate financial resources in case medical care is needed relating to Coronavirus COVID-19 and understands the inherent and potential health risks of travel during this time and that in some areas of the expedition, medical attention may be days away.
Applicant is aware of his/her home country’s travel warnings, travel restrictions and rules and understands the risks, is accepting of these and knows that Island Spirit C.I.C cannot be held responsible for any travel restrictions, illness, cancellations, financial loss, quarantining rules or measures put in place at airports or destinations you are traveling through independently or as part of the expedition.
Applicant is aware that additional screening procedures and restrictions may take place at airports and in public areas. The applicant is aware that Immigration restrictions may be put in place before or during your travels. Check with your destination country’s immigration department to confirm you’ll be permitted to enter the country and also your home country/final destination for their regulations.
Applicant is aware that it is his/her personal decision to travel and is doing so with full knowledge of current travel recommendations and travel restrictions with regards to the Coronavirus COVID-19 and takes full responsibility for his/her actions with regards to this.
For further information: