June 11, 2019
Giving Sight in Fiji, it’s a Real Spectacle!

Giggles, jokes, nudges and eternal thanks are shared as the adults sit around the spectacled table. They each shake my hand on arrival and make their way slowly and thoughtfully to a spare space on the bench.
The women are the ones who start the joking and cheeky banter as they try on different designs. It’s akin to a seated catwalk show. This is the first round of give always from 90 pairs collected in the UK, transported over the seven seas to deliver deep in the forest of Taveuni.
I don’t make a big deal about the donations just make sure they all have the right strength glasses, take a photo, and they’re on their way. Unconditional giving of things the villages actually need.
Vinaka vaka levu (big thanks) to you all for your kind offers. And to Poundland for supplying the cheapest glasses imaginable! Lolomas (hugs) Kirsty, Maria (our volunteer) and all if us in Lavena Village, Fiji. XXX
- Donating reading glasses in Lavena Island Spirit Fiji
- Donating reading glasses in Lavena Island Spirit Fiji
- Donating reading glasses in Lavena Island Spirit Fiji
- Donating reading glasses in Lavena Island Spirit Fiji
#readingglasses @poundland @fijitimes1869 @taveunifiji #wecansee #eyes #wildcraftedadventure